Double Whammy by Carl Hiaasen


My Rating:  4.5 Stars

If you are looking for a book with humor, a madcap mystery, and unique, interesting characters, and/or love bass fishing, then pick up a copy of Double Whammy.  This was my mystery book group’s selection this past month and was a big hit with everyone.

R. J. Decker is a former photographer who is now down-on-his-luck and working as a private detective.  He is hired by a wealthy bass fisherman who wants him to find proof that Lance — the champion bass fisherman and star of the Ocean Christian Network’s popular fishing tv program is cheating at the tournaments.  When Decker arrives in the Florida town, he learns that one of the fishermen has been found dead.  As he starts looking into things he finds out there is a lot more going on than meets the eye.  He is helped by one of the most interesting characters I’ve run across in a while – Skink.  He is a hermit with a fondness for roadkill that seems to know a lot about what is going on around them.

In this book, you’ll learn all about bass fishing in a very humorous and enjoyable way.  A lot of his books have an environmental interest to them, and this is one of them.  It is full of corrupt politicians, dishonest religious leaders, corrupt big developers, and a cast of memorable characters like no other.


Print Length:  320 pages
Published:  January 15, 1988 by Putnam Adult (First Published 1987)







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